• 800 West State Street Farmington, Utah 84025
  • Main : (801) 451-4100
  • M-F 8am to 5pm


When an individual is booked they will have the opportunity to contact a person of their choice (victims excluded) to advise them of their situation. Their belongings will be placed in a secure property area and they will be provided clothing and bedding. Basics such as food, water, and personal hygiene items are offered throughout their stay. 

Eyeglasses, contacts, or prescriptions medications (medications must be approved by our medical staff) belonging to an inmate may be brought to the Davis County Correctional Facility lobby during regular business hours. The majority of medications are provided in-house.


Davis County Correctional Facility offers online visiting (home user) and onsite video monitor visits. All visiting is by appointment only and must be scheduled 24 hours in advance. To make an appointment go to: NCIC.com

Online Visits

  • Subject to a fee
  • May be canceled before the visit begins without a fee—if the visit has started and is then canceled, there are no refunds
  • Limit of two scheduled visits each day, depending on availability
  • For best sound quality, a headset with a microphone is recommended

Onsite Visits

  • Free
  • Available by appointment, twice a week, for 25 minutes
  • Visits may be scheduled online at NCIC.com

Authorized professionals (e.g., attorney) must provide verification to receive privileged visits. Please bring your verification to the main Corrections lobby for approval or call (801) 451-4299 to schedule an appointment.


Online Visiting Hours

9 am–11:30 am
12:30 pm–5 pm
7 pm–9 pm

Onsite Visiting Hours

Sunday and MondayTuesday and Wednesday
1 pm – 5 pm9 am –11 am
7 pm – 9 pm1 pm – 5 pm

Onsite visits are not available on Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Thanksgiving, or Christmas.

Visiting Guidelines

Visiting Guidelines:

  • Each Inmate is allowed two 25-minute weekly visits.
  • Visitors are limited to two adults or one adult and two children.
  • Visits are by appointment only.
  • All visitors age 18 or older are required to present valid government identification prior to visiting.
  • Visits may be delayed due to meal pass, clothing exchange, court, security issues or other required movement.
  • Visits may be terminated at any time without prior notice.
  • Any person who has been arrested, bailed out, sentenced and/or incarcerated in the Davis County Correctional Facility during the past calendar year may not visit any other incarcerated individuals. Exceptions will be made for spouses, children and parents.
  • Minors must be accompanied by a parent or documented legal guardian at all times. The parent or guardian are fully responsible for the behavior of the minor(s).
  • Minors not related to the inmate are not allowed to visit.
  • It is the inmate's responsibility to inform visitors of times they are available to visit. Inmates will not be removed from class, work, or any program for visiting.
  • Inmates under pre-hearing segregation or other restrictions are not eligible for visits.
  • Visitor's clothing must comply with proper dress standards. Indecent exposure, bare midriffs, low cut tops, mini skirts, see-through or revealing clothing is not permitted, and visitors must wear shoes.
  • Anyone under the influence of alcohol or drugs will not be allowed to visit.
  • Food and drinks are not allowed in the visiting area.

Visitors and inmates who circumvent the rules may have their visiting privileges suspended.


Communication, including visiting and e-messaging with inmates through NCIC, may take up to 48 hours, not including weekends, for approval.

Communication options with inmates include email, mail, or phone. For security reasons, all mail for Davis County Correctional Facility inmates must be sent through the United States Postal Service, in compliance with our guidelines. Mail is received five days a week, Monday through Friday, holidays excluded. Mail dropped off at the Correctional Facility will be denied.


Mail/U.S. Postal Service*

Inmate Name (first and last) and Booking Number

Davis County Correctional Facility
P. O. Box 130
Farmington, UT  84025

*Restrictions apply


To speak with an inmate by phone, set up an account with NCIC Inmate Communications.


Digital messaging is available through Tablets.
To send an inmate messages, set up an account with NCIC Inmate  Communications.

Mail Guidelines

All mail must be sent through the United States Postal Service (USPS) on USPS-issued plain white, pre-stamped postcards (3.5 x 5.5 inches). 

  • Letters or vacation postcards will be denied.
  • Mail that is dropped off at the Davis County Correctional Facility will be denied.
  • Mail must include a complete return address, to include the sender's full name.
  • Sender must use regular ink or pencil.
  • Emails/letters/USPS postcards must not have any form of graphic or sexual content/language.
  • Photographs, 4x6 inches cannot be printed on a home printer. Photographs MUST BE professionally printed on photo paper and may be sent in the mail using a standard envelope - the inmate will not be allowed to keep the envelope. 
  • Photographs must not be sexual or criminal in nature or contain any hand or finger gestures.
  • Polaroid type photos are not allowed
  • Inmates may have up to 10 photographs.
  • Letters, notes, or messages may not be sent in with the photographs. 
  • Postcards and photographs must not contain any substance, such as glitter, glue, whiteout, paint, lipstick, metallic ink, stain, odor (e.g., perfume), or sticky substances, such as stickers, post-it notes, tape, or stamps.
  • No watermarks, grease, or oil marks.
  • No staples, paper clips, postage stamps, envelopes, or blank paper. 
  • Inmates may not receive packages or greeting cards.
  • Inmate mail is not read unless there is good cause to believe that it contains information relating to escape plans, criminal activities, violations of our rules, or coded or inflammatory language.
  • Legal mail is only opened in the presence of the inmate.
  • Books must be: sent directly from a bookstore or publisher; new; paperback; 8 1/2 X 11 inches or smaller and no thicker than two inches.
  • Inmates may receive no more than five books at a time.
  • Magazines, newspapers, or other periodicals may only come as a subscription from the publisher via USPS.
  • Inmates are allowed a maximum of two subscriptions—the inmate is responsible for canceling the subscription when they are released.
  • Only one newspaper is allowed per inmate, and it must be sent from the publisher.
NOTE: If inmate mail is denied for any reason, it will be returned to the sender with a brief explanation of the denial. When an inmate is released, their mail will be returned to the sender. If the mail cannot be returned to the sender, or if the mail is being returned to the inmate, it may be picked up by the released inmate within 30 days of release. After 30 days, the mail will be destroyed.


Online deposits using Mastercard® or Visa® credit or debit cards may be placed on an inmate's commissary account, 24/7, from any device with Internet or data service: Team3.InmateCanteen.com. Funds will be available to the inmate within 24 hours. NOTE: Funds must be in the inmate's commissary account PRIOR to the weekly order deadline (which may vary depending on the individual and housing unit).

Deposits may be made in person at these lobby kiosks*: Davis County Correctional Facility, 800 West State Street, Farmington, UT 84025 Davis County Work Release Center, 883 West Clark Lane, Farmington, UT 84025 *Pay in Cash or with Mastercard® or Visa® credit or debit cards.

If you are unable to make a deposit online or in person, call (706) 298-4974.

Commissary gift packs for inmates may be ordered online via Team3.InmateCanteen.com. Inmates may order from commissary once per week—exceptions are made for weekends and legal holidays. Commissary includes snack foods, writing paper, stamped envelopes, toiletries, playing cards, greeting cards, art materials and personal hygiene items.


Release dates and times are not provided for the safety and security of the incarcerated individual. For commitments, individuals are typically released approximately the same hour that they were booked.

Bail is determined by the courts. If the court allows bail, inmates may be bailed out 24 hours a day. Some times of day are busier than others, so it may take a few hours. Bail information is detailed on the inmate roster. You may be able to pay bondable bail directly to the court in which they were charged.

Public transportation stops/stations are nearby.


Inmates eligible for bail may be bailed out using Mastercard® or Visa® credit or debit cards, 24/7, from any device with Internet or data service: Team3.InmateCanteen.com

Lobby Kiosk

Pay with cash, credit or debit cards.


Certified checks drawn on U.S. banks and money orders (with the amount typed or stamped) are accepted through the mail.


Many courts accept credit cards.

Bond Service

If the charge is bondable, a bondsman may be contacted. We cannot and do not make recommendations.

Life Safety Committee

The Life Safety Committee is an advisory committee for Davis County Correctional Facility—a division within Davis County Sheriff's Office. The primary goal of the committee is to alleviate any condition that may contribute unnecessarily to serious illness, injury, or death within the Correctional Facility, and to identify any physical, procedural, or other changes that may improve the safety and wellbeing of inmates or staff within the Davis County Correctional Facility.

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