• 800 West State Street Farmington, Utah 84025
  • Main : (801) 451-4100
  • M-F 8am to 5pm


911. Non-emergency dispatch is 801-451-4150.
Call 911 to stop a crime, report a fire, and save a life. For all other calls, call non-emergency dispatch: 801-451-4150. Both numbers are answered 24/7.
If you accidentally dial 911, stay on the line and tell the dispatcher that everything is alright.

Emergency dispatchers must ensure public, officer, and scene safety. Callers will be asked the following basics:

  • Where
  • What
  • Who
  • When

The information you provide a dispatcher is relayed to first responders while they are on their way to the call.

For the following situations, please do NOT call 911 or non-emergency dispatch:

• Power outages (rockymountainpower.net/outages-safety)
• Telephone, cable, and Internet issues
• Road conditions/weather ( http://commuterlink.utah.gov/)
• Natural disasters

If any of these issues result in a need for public safety assistance, call 911. Otherwise, contact the respective agency responsible for the service or situation.

To be notified of actual or impending emergencies that may impact you directly, in Davis County, sign up for CodeRED™.
Yes. We utilize Language Line Services to translate emergency and non-emergency calls from non-English speaking customers.
All requests for Davis County records must be submitted online: daviscountyutah.gov/records
No, some of the cities in Davis County have their own dispatch centers. We work closely with all city and state dispatch centers to ensure a swift and coordinated response to all emergencies/calls.

If you're not sure who to call, and it isn't an emergency, call our non-emergency line, 801-451-4150, and we will connect you with the proper agency.

Yes, you may text 911 in an emergency. Currently, only text messages in English may be sent. To ensure proper and swift response, include your address or approximate location (if you have it) in the text. 

Just like calls to 911, text messages to 911 are routed to the nearest 911 communications/dispatch centers, 24 hours/day, 365 days/year. 

If you accidentally text 911, be sure to text that detail and promptly reply to follow-up questions so dispatchers can ensure you're safe. 

If, for some reason, text-to-911 is not available, you will receive a text reply with an explanation and instructions on next steps. 

NOTE: Text-to-911 requires a mobile phone number with a wireless carrier that provides texting services. 

Davis County Police and Fire Agencies

Below are the numbers frequently requested that are non-emergency.


Receive notification of emergency situations or critical community alerts in Davis County: sign up for CodeRed™.

Available for residents and businesses, CodeRed™ is used to share information specific to missing persons, hazardous materials dangers, boil water advisories, evacuations, etc.

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Tow Rotation

Davis County tow rotation queue.
2022-2023 tow contracts now available.

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