• 61 S. Main St. Farmington, UT 84025
  • M-F 8am to 5pm


In order to qualify for the program you must meet the following criteria:

  • U.S. citizen or legal resident alien
  • Own a home on a foundation (mobile homes do not qualify) in Davis County.  Davis County cannot provide assistance to homeowners in Layton or Clearfield, however, Layton city currently has their own Critical Home Repair Program through Habitat for Humanity for Layton residents.
  • Current on mortgage payments
  • Homeowners Insurance paid and up to date
  • View the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s household income thresholds (2024 - 2025 Income Requirements)

2024-2025 Income Requirements

Household Size Maximum Yearly Household Income
1 Person$61,850
2 Persons$70,650
3 Persons$79,500
4 Persons$88,300
5 Persons$95,400
6 Persons$102,450
7 Persons$109,500
8 Persons$116,600

Application and Funding

Applications are reviewed on a first come, first qualified basis. The application for assistance is available below and is submitted directly to Salt Lake Valley Habitat for Humanity. Qualifying applicants may receive up to $15,000 toward the cost of home repairs. Funding may be provided as either a grant or as a 10-year, 0% to 3% interest loan or deferred title lien depending on income and applicants ability to repay. Salt Lake Valley Habitat for Humanity will administer the program on behalf of the County and make all funding decisions.

Davis County CHiRP Application

Home Repairs

Most repairs that address health and safety concerns in a home are eligible.  Below is a list of some common repairs.

  • Leaking roof
  • Broken and missing windows
  • Leaking faucets and plumbing
  • Mold
  • Broken and missing smoke and carbon monoxide detectors
  • Damaged flooring
  • Accessibility for impaired mobility
  • Faulty electrical
  • Faulty water heater, furnace, and A/C


Salt Lake Valley Habitat for Humanity
Phone: 801-263-0136
Email: laura@habitatsaltlake.org
Website: https://habitatsaltlake.org/