• 22 S. State St. Clearfield, UT 84015
  • Main : (801) 525-5000
  • M-F 8am to 5pm
The laws of the State direct the Davis County Health Department’s Environmental Health Services Division to enforce rules and regulations and educate and inform the public regarding the design, construction and operation of public pools in Davis County. The Division’s staff stays in close contact with the owners and operators of these facilities to assure they remain in compliance with the requirements of law.

The Davis County Pool Regulation defines a public pool as any swimming pool, spa pool, wading pool, or special purpose pool facility which is not a private residential pool.

Plan Review Requirements

The Davis County Health Department requires a plan review and inspection for all new construction and renovations of public pools within Davis County.

The following are required when constructing, installing, or altering a public pool in Davis County:

  1. One complete set of plans and specifications shall be submitted and approved by the Department.  Plans shall be designed by an architect or engineer and submitted by the architect, engineer or contractor. The plans and construction must conform to the Utah Administrative Code R392-302 Design, Construction and Operation of Public Pools, and the Davis County Board of Health Public Pools Regulation.
  2. The applicant shall submit a completed Pool Permit Application with the plans and specifications.
  3. Fees for plan reviews shall be paid before the plans are reviewed.
  4. Plans must be approved prior to construction.
  5.  A pre-gunite inspection shall be performed before gunite can be installed.
  6. A pre-plaster inspection shall be performed before plastering the pool can performed.
  7. A Permit Application and the permit fee must be submitted.
  8. A final construction inspection shall be performed before the pool will be permitted to open.


Click here to apply for a Public Pool Permit


Permits & Fees

Pools must be properly and legally permitted by Davis County Health Department’s Environmental Health Services Division to operate. 

This includes a plan review, payment of necessary fees, and permit approval. Other requirements include inspections, water samples, and field tests. If you have any questions regarding this procedure, please contact us. 

Plan Review
(each circulation system considered separately)
Yearly Operation$600
Seasonal Operation$400
Hydrotherapy Pool$360 
Follow-up Inspection Fee$100 
CPO Class Certification
(handbook, materials, breaks & exam)

Inspections & Investigations

To assure sanitation and safety at public pools, spas, and other water recreational facilities, staff members of the Environmental Health Services Division do periodic visits to these locations. The inspectors take water samples, run field tests, review records and official documents, and assess conditions at the various public water recreation spots in Davis County. Some inspections are announced and usually routine, while others are unannounced and more investigational in nature. The inspections and investigations make sure that people using the pool are protected. 


Pools, spas, and water recreational facilities can be closed for reasons of public health and safety. Some causes of pool closure include the following:

  1. Disinfectant levels too high or too low.
  2. pH levels above or below the 7.2-7.8 range.
  3. Circulation/filtration of pool/spa water at improper flow rate.
  4. The main drain(s) are not visible and/or not properly attached. The main drain(s) are damaged.
  5. Water temperature exceeds 105 degrees Fahrenheit, maximum allowed in spa.
  6. The pool barrier is damaged, missing or ineffective. Pool regulations require a 6-foot barrier (fence or wall) with a self-closing, self-latching gate or door. The latch must be 54 inches above the ground or be self-locking.
  7. Other unsafe conditions constituting a threat to bathers as determined by the pool inspector or certified pool operator.